Author Archives: julieleary

HS in RA

Sabol, J. K., Wei, W., López-Hoyos, M., Seo, Y., Andaya, A., & Leary, J. A (2014). Heparan Sulfate Differences in Rheumatoid Arthritis versus Healthy Sera. Matrix biology, 40(0), 54-61.  

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CCL11 and Arixtra

  Dykstra, A. B., Sweeney, M. D., & Leary, J. A. (2013). Structural Evidence for the Tetrameric Assembly of Chemokine CCL11 and the Glycosaminoglycan Arixtra™. Biomolecules, 3(4), 905-922.

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Ion mobility mass spec

Niñonuevo, M. R., & Leary, J. A. (2012). Ion mobility mass spectrometry coupled with rapid protein threading predictor structure prediction and collision-induced dissociation for probing chemokine conformation and stability. Analytical chemistry, 84(7), 3208-3214.

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